GrEeTings Pe0ple!! Its the fasting month... as a matter of fact I've been thinking of posting about this Holy Month : RAMADAN : =D jyeaahhh! time to ScooPs that golden "RewaRd" as much as possible and beg for HIS forgiveness.. =D
Talking about RAmaDan... Its Fasting month and through this post I'll let u know what's the benefits of fasting and Why do Muslims are Compulsary to do these good deeds during Ramadan.. =D Jyeaahh! now where should I start..??
"Just a brief of FASTING def"
"Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or several days. Other fasts may be only partially restrictive, limiting particular foods or substance. The fast may also beintermittent in nature. Fasting practices may preclude sexual intercourse and other activities as well as food." LAME much??
Today is the 16th day of FASTING! JyeaHhhh! and I haven't had any day of "leaking" or technically miss a single day of "not fasting" =D .... StiLL Ramadan is in The Middle of its Journey... How I wish that Ramadan Lasts for a Year! LOL much!
Yupp! The issue about today's post reminds me of so many things related to this Holy Fasting Month... I've so many things came across my mind on posting this EnTrY ... Yeehaaaa, the most is BazaaR Ramadan! which u would ONLY had it in RamadaN of course! =D
So,to begin with I'd like to tell u guys the Benefits of FaStiNG not Only to Muslims but also to Nons... =D
WhAt U caN Obtain Fr0m FaSting In RamAdaN??
- Through fasting, a Muslim experiences hunger and thirst, and sympathizes with those in the world who have little to eat every day.
- Through increased devotion, Muslims feel closer to their Creator, and recognize that everything we have in this life is a blessing from Him.
- Through increased charity, Muslims develop feelings of generosity and good-will toward others. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said, "A man's wealth is never diminished by charity."
- Through self-control, a Muslim practices good manners, good speech, and good habits.
- Through changing routines, Muslims have a chance to establish more healthy lifestyle habits -- particularly with regards to diet and smoking.
- Through family and community gatherings, Muslims strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, in their own communities and throughout the world.
So,generally, the objectives of fasting to muslims is to reminds and remember those whom are poor,not capable and those in dire straits... Fasting itself is to let us know how it feels of hunger and keep the moderation to ourselves as well of being modest in everything we do.....
Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims, but the feelings and lessons we experience should stay with us throughout the year. In the Qur'an, Muslims are commanded to fast so that they may "learn self-restraint" (Qur'an 2:183). This restraint and devotion is especially felt during Ramadan, but we all must strive to make the feelings and attitudes stay with us during our "normal" lives. That is the true goal and test of Ramadan.
A scene of Bazaar Ramadan in the Middle of Nowhere =P |
The Most Thing makes RAMADAN special is The RamaDan BazAAr!! =D Jyeaahhh! This is what makes this month merrier....
As what came across to my mind is that we muslims have to be as MODEST as possible... not to mention that Me myself now had a bit of finance problem... Oh well, I still can survive though!
Except for that Uncle ,he sure got a lot of attention for that "Ayam Bakar"! =D |
Last but not least I just wanna say
May Allah accept our fasting, forgive our sins, and guide us all to the Straight Path. May Allah bless us all during Ramadan, and throughout the year, with His forgiveness, mercy, and peace, and bring us all closer to Him and to each other.
I've run out of words to say now... so until then... do leave a comment , feel free follow and don't forget to stay and keep fasting until the end of this Ramadan ok! =D Toodle-oo!